Inquiry about glaciers and ice caps on Ellesmere Island (Nunavut)


Can you provide any indication on where I can find some general information about glaciers and ice caps in Ellesmere Island in Nunavut – info such as the number of glaciers, average length of glaciers, average volume, average area, etc.


I don't have all of the numbers on the Ellesmere Icefields, and no one knows the volumes (the ice thickness has never been mapped), but the ice areas are well known. There are numbers on the attached document (QEI_IceAreas.png) for all of the major icefields in the Queen Elizabeth Islands (ice area and recent ice volume change).

See also the following:

1. Dowdeswell, J.A., 1995, Glaciers in the High Arctic and recent environmental change: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A., v. 352, p. 321-334.


I hope these provide a start.


Shawn Marshall


Martin Sharp also provided the following link:

Last updated on 17/01/2018